The 5 Elements: How to work with Them in an Aerial Yin Yoga Practice
The five elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.
Each element corresponds with different seasons, emotions, biological functions, organs, directions of energy and meridians (yhe most important in yin, the energetic channels connected with our chakras). Just as with everything in nature, the elements are interconnected all of them in aerial yin we work not only one element maybe 2 or more in only one pose.
Each aerial yin yoga pose of the sequence focuses on one of the five-elements ( i.e. water, wood, fire, metal, and earth). The elements have a direct relation to the functioning of specific organs in the human body, like: Kidneys (yin) - Bladder (yang) - Water Element. Liver (yin) - Gallbladder (yang) - Wood Element. small intestin, large intestin , lungs...
The Five Phases: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water
When our energy is flowing freely the five elements are said to be in balance. But imbalances between the elements and their corresponding meridians can cause energy to become blocked or deficient. This can show itself in emotional mental and physical symptoms such as lacking motivation or focus, feeling angry or anxious, digestive problems and tiredness.
we may begin to recognise patterns where we have blocks in our energy, and use supportive self-care practices such as Yin Yoga to bring us back into balance, only to be aware about our emotions, sensations in our body, we can get all the information what we weed for unblock those energy blocked.
WATER ELEMENT ![Lexica - water element phenoix]()
Yin yoga sequence for the Water element. This Yin yoga sequence for the water element focuses on nourishing the kidneys with breath centred awareness and on stretching into the inner knees, thighs and groin to stimulate the Kidney meridian.
Water is represented by the kidneys, and in yin yoga, the water phase helps us stay present. When the water phase becomes deficient, a person may suffer from a lack of memory or emotional instability.
Water imbalances can be addressed by breathing deeply into the poses and allowing your breath to flow freely in and out of the body. While you are holding the pose, make a conscious effort to be present with your thoughts and let go of any judgments or opinions you have about the pose.
WOOD ELEMENT ![Gemstones by Element: Wood Healing Crystals – AtPerry's Healing Crystals]()
What is wood as an element?
The Wood element is also the element of Spring, making it appropriate to think about now. Wood exemplifies the energy of growth, change, and pushing through It is a very active energy that allows for a lot of movement and progress, both internally and externally.Wood exemplifies the energy of growth, change, and pushing through.In Traditional Chinese Medicine, elements are also
associated with body organs. The Wood element represents the liver and the gall bladder.
Wood represents the introspective nature of the body, emotions, and the rational mind. Imbalances in the wood element include anger, depression, and negative behaviour. These are caused by a deficiency in the wood phase, which is exacerbated by excessive earth (the physical body) and fire (the emotions) “stealing” the Qi from the wood phase.
So what can we learn from the Wood element? The key here is flexibility. If we hold ourselves
too rigidly, we will break and crumble. If we are too loose and wobbly, like a badly rooted tree,
there is no growth and real potential for change. So, the healthy balance is to remain flexible but
In a yin practice, when too much fire or earth is present, move further into the poses. Move deeper into the backbend, and meditate on the backbend itself. Focus on the breath and being present with the sensations in your body, and allow your thoughts to come and go freely.
EARTH ELEMENT ![Lexica - anime portrait mother nature]()
The earth phase also represents the element of water, and people that are deficient in the earth phase may suffer from an excessive amount of water in the body.
In yin yoga practice, an excess of earth can be corrected by moving the body further into the poses. Move closer to your toes in a forward fold, fold more deeply into a hip opener’s pose, or drop deeper into a backbend.
Meridians: stomach and spleen
Is the Earth Yin or Yang?
Other attributes of the earth element include ambition, stubbornness, responsibility present planning and fidelity . Its Yin or negative emotion is worry or pensiveness and its Yang positive emotion is happiness.
FIRE ELEMENT ![Fire element, fire, element, girl, game, red hair, sexy, hat, HD wallpaper | Peakpx]()
it was commonly associated with the qualities of energy and assertiveness. Fire represents the heart, and an excess of fire can manifest as anger, violence, and fear,
A symbol of divinity, transformation and passion, Fire symbolizes what is God-like in us, for it is the only element that people can produce. Fire is both creative and destructive resurrecting from what it purifies
Qualities of the Fire Element
The light/hot/active/expansive qualities of Fire are considered to be very yang (compared to the dark/cool/receptive/downward qualities of water which is very yin).
The season of fire is summer and the emotions are joy, love and passion. The sound is one of laughter and the colour is red.
Deficiencies in the fire phase manifest as a lack of love, compassion, passion, and enthusiasm for life.
Fire imbalances can be addressed by being more present with your thoughts and emotions and working on loving-kindness and compassion. As you move further into the pose, let go of your judgments and let go of your thoughts. Allow yourself to be present with the challenge at hand.
in Fire people love to learn new things in their quest to inspire others. Given their disposal for new knowledge, they pay a lot of attention to detail but at the same time, they can also be worrywarts.
meridians : pericardium and small intestin.
METAL ELEMENT ![Gold element' Poster by Leejun | Displate]()
What is the metal element in yoga?
As the season of autumn explains the function of the organs (physical being), the Metal element explains the mental characteristics associated with this meridian. The metal element represents structure, rigidity, stability and strength.
The METAL element is associated with the meridian system of the Lungs and Large Intestine organs. In our body, these meridians are located at the arms. When we practice Yin Yoga we can use poses that create stress in the outer arm to target the large intestine or the inner arm to target the lungs.
Although Metal is a lesser Yin element, it can exist in either a Yang or a Yin state. When Metal expresses masculine Yang energy, its color is white and is symbolized by a weapon. When metal expresses feminine Yin energy, its color is silver and is symbolized by a kettle.The emotion associated with the Metal element is grief and it influences our ability to feel our grief and to let go.What does the metal yin mean?
The metal element has predominant yin characteristics, meaning that it is receptive, sensitive, and passive in nature. Yet, metal also has yang qualities that make it stronger and more aggressive. Depending on which metal symbol you use, you can promote either the yin or yang characteristics of metal.
What are the benefits of the metal element?
The metal element is precision, simplicity, and clarity. It also represents righteousness, integrity, and joy.
“The metal element governs our ability to take in life, absorb what is good for us and let go of the rest, making space for the new.
The key lesson for metal is to let go of seeking and attachment, forgiving oneself and others and releasing the past. Becoming present and grateful for what’s arriving here and now.
Lesson Summary
The five elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. Each element corresponds with different seasons, emotions, biological functions, organs, directions of energy, and meridians.
- In aerial yin yoga, multiple elements can be worked with in a single pose.
- Imbalances between the elements can cause energy blockages, leading to emotional, mental, and physical symptoms.
- In a yin yoga practice, specific poses can focus on balancing each of the five elements.
The Water element is associated with the kidneys and can be balanced through breath-centered awareness and stretching the inner knees, thighs, and groin.
The Wood element represents growth and change, and is associated with the liver and gallbladder. Imbalances can manifest as anger, depression, and negative behavior.
The Earth phase is connected to the element of water and imbalances can lead to excessive water in the body. Poses can be adjusted to address excess earth in the practice.
The Fire element represents the heart and excess fire can lead to anger, violence, and fear. Cultivating presence and loving-kindness can help balance the fire element.
The Metal element is associated with the lungs and large intestine and represents structure, rigidity, and strength. It can exist in a yin or yang state and influences our ability to feel grief and let go.
The metal element is about precision, simplicity, clarity, righteousness, integrity, and joy. It teaches us to let go of seeking and attachment, and to be present and grateful for what is arriving in the present moment.