lets go practice!!!

Wellcome to our aerial Pilates teacher training, all the poses and the variations are in the manual in


you can download there the manual, and here you can see all the videos and sequences.

there are more variations and poses !! have a wonderful training!!




Fabric adjustments:

Main fabric between the shoulders and neck .

Starting position:

Position the fabric at the height of the shoulder blades and between the shoulders. Put yourself in position 4 supports.

Exercise and focus:

Spine mobilization, position yourself in neutral alignment, inhale and exhale, activate the transverse muscles of the abdomen and the extensor muscles of the hip by arching the spine. Inhale again and on exhalation activate the spine extensors and perform the opposite movement to arch your back.


Leg and arm extension.

In neutral alignment, activate the musculature of the center and extend one arm and the opposite leg. Change alternating arm and leg.



Lesson Summary

Welcome to our aerial Pilates teacher training! In order to access all the poses and variations, you can download the manual in Chapter 12 of the AERIAL PILATES TEACHER TRAINING BOOK / MANUAL PDF.

Here are some poses and videos that you can download:

  • Cat Pose - Fabric adjustments: Main fabric between the shoulders and neck. Starting position: Position the fabric at the height of the shoulder blades and between the shoulders. Put yourself in position 4 supports. Exercise and focus: Spine mobilization, position yourself in neutral alignment, inhale and exhale, activate the transverse muscles of the abdomen and the extensor muscles of the hip by arching the spine. Inhale again and on exhalation activate the spine extensors and perform the opposite movement to arch your back. Variation: Leg and arm extension. In neutral alignment, activate the musculature of the center and extend one arm and the opposite leg. Change alternating arm and leg.

Hi guys, welcome to Aerial Pilates teacher training. My name is Laura, I'm going to be your trainer in all this teacher training.

Let's start with the cut pose. Place the hammock behind your back, just under your arms, and assume the cut pose. Align your hands with your shoulders and your hips with your knees. Curl your spine and extend back. Exhale as you curl inside your body and activate your abs. Inhale and extend back up. Repeat this movement, focusing on the activation of your abs and glutes.

In a variation of cut, activate your arms. Inhale and while you exhale, extend your right hand and left leg. Inhale and exhale again to extend the left hand and right leg. Repeat this movement, aligning your body. You can also add a twist to the left by rotating your hips during the extension.

That's the sequence for the cut pose. Keep practicing and have a wonderful training!

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