We want to tell you more about aerial yoga and us
Aerial yoga is fun, committed and healthy, but we want to tell you more about the technique, where it came about, how it all started, the research talks about a physiotherapist who began suspending his patients to improve their pathologies.
Aerial yoga or suspension yoga, stretches and unlocks the axial area of the body, trying to give more space between vertebra and vertebra, thus releasing the pressure between the discs, in addition the flexibility worked in air favors the prevention of injuries. after my injury I spoke with myself to continuous growing in this career because aerial yoga help me a lot in my problems in my lower back.
I aware 100 per cent what I am doing with my body and what Is beneficiary or not for my back.
Asanas after asanas, we try to make the back, upper lower torso and joints more flexible.
Aerial hammock yoga , exist thanks to it, thanks to this illness that I passed 7 months on bed with a lot of pain, that you cannot imagine, I get more conscious about my body , my mind and my soul, i wanted to grow In all the aspects, aerial yoga change my life, I Get healthier, stronger and the most important my back is controlled.
when i did my first inversion I felt relief, i wanted to try more and more and more, after 9 years, here I am teaching this wonderful method in a lot of ways, fun and acrobatics for KIDS, strong and hard for FITNESS, stretch and deep WITH AERIAL YIN AND EMOTIONAL!! in may ways
Aerial hammock yoga exist thanks to my body trying to tell me thinks that I need to fix. when you use a tool and you are feeling better and better what happen? you get addict !! you think that you cannot do it, but once you try and you do it, its done!! you can, you can do whatever you want , i cannot walk with my pain in my back, and now i can do acrobatics and teach this , what is the sensation? amazing.
those are all the trainings that we have currently at the moment in our website
- AERIAL YOGA ( restorative, advanced poses, movements and flow, acrobatics basics relaxing and meditation , hot stone therapy)
- AERIAL PILATES ( Pilates into the hammock, Rollings, upper body, planks, variations... core and balance)
- AERIAL YIN YOGA ( more than 78 poses, with their variation water, fire , earth and air into the hammock)
- AERIAL4KIDS ( SMALL HAMMOCKS WITH STIRRUPS) special aerial yoga teacher training for professionals, with new hammock, games, animals poses, acrobatic poses, yoga poses, card games and relaxing from 3 year old.
- BUNGEE FITNESS CARDIO WORKOUT: bungee fitness with arnes, fitness poses, cardio workout, choreography workout and much more burn 500kcal for class. we will teach you Bungee fitness cardio workout new method for loosing weight.
- AERIAL FITNESS AND STRETCHING: couples poses, fitness and deep stretch focus on men and women fitness trainers)
- YIN YOGA TEACHER TRAINING into the nature the most passive yoga , only need your yoga mat, bolster and nature!
- FULL BODY FLEXIBILITY MASTER COURSE , master course in Stretching, working on the best flexibility course ever.
other way of teaching the most complete teacher trainings